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My perfect SSH Agent configuration

Jaime Martínez Rincón
May 16th, 2020 · 2 min read

I have tried a lot of SSH agents and I’ve come to the conclusion that gnome-keyring is the one that provides the best experience, similar to the one that is experienced by default in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, which is perfect for me.

It asks the password when you are going to use it, not when you open a terminal, or when you login, or other nonsense.

Others require you to create systemd services manually, others require to touch a lot of files, and most of the times I was getting a bad experience anyway. For future reference, I tried the following configurations:

  • Using ssh-agent through .bashrc and .zshrc. Not a good experience.

  • Using ssh-agent through a systemd user unit, and adding a variable to .pam_environment. Didn’t even work.

  • Using ssh-agent through a systemd user unit, and adding some variables to ~/.config/plasma-workspace/env/ Worked, stayed with this for a while. Some programs didn’t like this and required me to open a terminal and do something with ssh beforehand.

    This is what I did in that file:

    3export SSH_ASKPASS='/usr/bin/ksshaskpass'
    4export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/ssh-agent.socket"
  • Using keychain and x11-ssh-askpass. Don’t. Just don’t. It’s ugly as fuck.

  • Using kwallet with ssh-agent running on a systemd user unit. Very bad experience.

  • Others that I don’t remember and saw in sites other than Arch’s Wiki. They were either hacky or didn’t provide a good experience.

You can see all the possible configurations of SSH Agents in the Arch Wiki Page for SSH agents

Configuring gnome-keyring

Do not let the name deceive you, you can use it under any desktop environment or window manager. It doesn’t have many GNOME dependencies so don’t worry about installing it.


Install both gnome-keyring and seahorse. The latter is the GUI for the keyring.

1sudo pacman -S gnome-keyring libsecret seahorse


I only had to do two things to make it work; one is copying a snippet of bash script in my .bash_profile and my .zshenv files, so that when I use ssh through the terminal they know of the SSH agent instance.

The other is adding a small configuration to ~/.ssh/config so that keys are added to the agent automatically.

First configuration

Add this to both of these files (.bash_profile and .zshenv, the latter is if you use zsh, of course)

1if [ -n "$DESKTOP_SESSION" ]; then
2 eval $(gnome-keyring-daemon --start)
3 export SSH_AUTH_SOCK

If you use fish shell, also add this to ~/.config/fish/

1if test -n "$DESKTOP_SESSION"
2 set (gnome-keyring-daemon --start | string split "=")

Obviously, make sure you remove any configuration of the same kind (that modify SSH_AUTH_SOCK) you have done previously, otherwise there might be conflicts between SSH agents.

Second configuration

Add the following to ~/.ssh/config

1Host *
2 AddKeysToAgent yes
3 UseKeychain yes
4 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

You can add these changes to the files in /etc/skel and the next time you create a user, they will have these files configured by default.


  • Just reboot, or logout and log back in, which should also work.
  • Open a terminal and do ssh, a window should pop up asking for your passphrase.
  • Close the previous terminal and do it again, if it does not ask for the passphrase again, you are set!
  • You might also want to check apps like JetBrains IDEs, Visual Studio Code, or other programs that use Git under the hood work properly. In my experience, they work flawlessly, asking for the passphrase only when needed.

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